Eskom Central

Eskom Central

Upgrading/Expansion at Waterfall 88/11 kV substation

The project made provision for the complete refurbishment, re-design & upgrading / expansion of the Waterfall 88/11 kV substation The prelim, detail design Design, tender process and project management phase were included, all as per Eskom Distribution processes (ERA, TEF, DRA, FRA, etc,) This included all installation, erection, primary & secondary plant, earth works, transformers, buildings, and power & control cables, etc, commissioning and handing-over in a proper working condition of the substation to Eskom. The following were included:

  • The construction of a fully equipped control and switch-room to accommodate only Eskom switchgear and control equipment.
  • Dismantling of the existing Eskom combined control and switch room and migration of equipment to the new building. (City Power Control room to stay where it is.)
  • Installation of 2 x new 40MVA 88/11kV fully equipped transformer bays to replace the existing 2 x 20 MVA Transformers.
  • The third TRF bay will be prepared for future installation.


Gauteng, South Africa
Eskom Distribution, Central